By William Blake Richmond - NwFx7tib70X5aQ at Google Cultural Institute maximum zoom level, Public Domain, Beauty. Aurora. Snow White. Cinderella. More than just Disney Princesses, their stories originated hundreds of years ago. From an era even before the Dark Age Guinevere, whose time seems so shrouded in mist. A time when Mycenaean warriors launched a thousand ships to retrieve the wayward Helen. An earlier era that saw Eros defy his mother, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty, for the love of the mortal Psyche. And a still more ancient age, lost to time, when Adam forsook Eden for the wiles of the first known beauty, Eve. But was it truly beauty which so led men astray from ancient times to this? Or was it something more...? History has long been obsessed with beautiful women, but was it really beauty these ancient men sought? Helen of Troy appears to have been much more than just a pretty face: she was a wealthy heir...